Who We Are

BSA Data Solutions, LLC was founded in 2007 as a technology firm focused on helping customers of all sizes and vertical markets map their ever-changing business needs to the right technology solution. BSA Data concentrates on three primary areas: business infrastructure, security, and virtualization.

Our consulting services are focused on providing valuable services and information to keep the IT side of your business running smoothly and increase the productivity of your IT department. Our product suite includes a variety of products from trusted vendor partners. We recognize that your business is unique and IT solutions are not one size fits all.

In today’s age of fast-paced, ever-changing technology needs, BSA is here to stand by its customers to ensure that you get the right solution for your business!


What is BSA Data Solutions?

BSA Data Solutions, LLC is a value added re-seller of computer hardware, software and consulting services focused on small and mid-tier customers. Our offerings center around
Virtualization, information security, and core infrastructure.


What area do we service?

BSA Data Solutions services primarily Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Kentucky, with additional customers in other markets like Florida and Georgia and the Carolinas.


Why do I need BSA Data Solutions?

In today’s fast-paced age of information technology, it is easy to look at IT infrastructure as a commodity – with large vendor sales associates who change nearly as frequently as the products they sell. Small and mid-sized customers need a partner they can rely on to take the time to look at their business and its needs; to show them what range of solution options would work best for their environment. BSA is that true technology partner in the growth of your business.